2011 Feb. 24

The project Innovative cross-border network of SMEs – CB NET was selected for financing within the EU programme of Cross-border Cooperation Croatia-Serbia. The applicants of the project are the Open University Subotica and Business Incubator BIOS, while partners are the City of Subotica and the City of Osijek. 

2010 Sep. 01

The project will be organized by Open University Subotica Ltd. and Del-alfoldi Regionalis Innovacios Ugynokseg Kozhasznu Egyesulet iz Segedina.

2010 Sep. 01

The applicants of the project Lifelong Education and Regional Networking – LEARN are the Open University Subotica doo, Job Seekers Association of the Bacs-Kiskun Country from Kecskemet.

2010 Sep. 01

The applicants of the project Partnership Centre for Clusters and Enterprises – PACCLE are the Open University Subotica Ltd, and the company DAR Nonprofit Public Ltd from Szeged and Szeged Polus Development Nonprofit Ltd.

2010 May. 01

The cooperation between the International Festival of Children’s Theatres and the Puppet Theatre “Kover Bela” from Szeged started on 1st May 2010 through the project CUL-TOUR within the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme (Measure 2.2.2. People to people).