2024 Jul. 01

Project title: Region of Social innovations
Project acronym: ROSI
Programme: Interreg VI – A IPA Programme Croatia – Serbia 2021 - 2027
Lead Beneficiary: Open University Subotica Ltd.
Project Partners:
Vukovar Development Agency Ltd.
Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government
Adult Education Institution Studium Vukovar
Total project budget: 350.326,88 EUR
Project implementation period: 01.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

2024 Jul. 01

Project title: Teen Kino
Programme: Collaborate To Innovate 2024
Lead Beneficiary: Bioskop kulturnog centra Beograda
Project Partners:
Bioskop Eurocinema (Otvoreni univerzitet Subotica)
LM Bioskop Šabac
Total project budget: 79.880 EUR
Project implementation period: 01.07.2024 - 15.05.2025.

2024 Jun. 01

Project Title: Be aware of the problem – be part of the solution!
Acronym: 2B
Project ID: HUSRB/23S/11/048
Total Project budget: 185,688.98 EUR
EU contribution (IPA): 157,835.62 EUR
Start Date: 01.06.2024.
End Date: 30.11.2025.
Lead Applicant: Otvoreni univerzitet Subotica Doo (Open University Subotica Ltd.)
Partner 1: CSEMETE Természet- és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület (CSEMETE Association of Nature and Environmental Protection)
Partner 2: Vackor Környezet- és Természetvédelmi Egyesület (Vackor Environment and Nature Protection Organization)

2023 Nov. 15

Project Title: Better Cooperate! Education through and to the values of the social economy as a way to reinforce the society.
Programme: Erasmus+
Total project budget: 400.000,00 EUR
Project implementation period: 01.11.2023.- 31.10.2026.
Lead Beneficiary: Association for Social Cooperatives, Poland
Partner countries: Sweden, Italy, Serbia, Germany and Spain

2023 Oct. 13
Project Title: Explore your abilities
Programme: Erasmus+
Total project budget: 250.000,00 EUR
Project implementation period: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025.
Lead Beneficiary: Școala Gimnaziala Primară CONIL, Romania
Partner countries: Romania, Austria, Latvia, Cyprus and Serbia
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