Project title: FILMYing - Film art connects cross-border region
Programme: Interreg – IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary – Serbia
Total project budget: 139.155,66 EUR
Maximum EU contribution: 118.282,31 EUR
Project implementation period: 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2022
Lead Beneficiary: Open University Subotica Ltd.
Beneficiary 1: Szeged Event and Media Centre Non-profit LTD.
Description of project FILMYing:
CB region is missing strategic and developing cooperation between stakeholders operating in the field of film art. Beside the lack of cooperation, which results in missing information about film programs, events and cinematography from abroad, important problem is lack of creative and networking activities in film art which would connect a regions population. Lack of knowledge about historical ties in the field of film art is contributing to the absence of cooperation between film workers in the CB region. Lack of adequate offer of nonformal film education in CB region, leaves the target group the modest opportunities for the development of artistic spirit and skills regardless of their talent and interest. Young people from CB region, as constant users of modern technical devices such as mobile phones should be motivated and educated how to use this type of tool for creative work and development of filmmaking skills. Cooperation between film festivals will not just improve festivals programs, activities and promotion, but it is going to be the only possibility for EU support in the future, since MEDIA programme will focus on funding of networks of festivals rather than festivals individually.
Recognizing all these problems two partner institutions from Subotica and Szeged have prepared a set of interconnected activities which will animate and connect a wide target group, especially young persons and create new cultural events resulting in concrete development of the film art in CB region. Project is based on the 4 cooperation pillars – cooperation and networking of film festivals from region, promotion of partner's country cinematography, organization of innovative education in the filmmaking proces and research and promotion of historical ties of the region in the field of film art. Target groups will receive opportunity to enjoy in film art and develop their talents through education, practical work, experience exchange and cooperation with colleagues from abroad.
Target groups:
Young film enthusiasts, amateurs, professionals and movie lovers from the CB region
Cultural institutions, cultural centers and NGOs - organizers of Film festivals from the CB region
Film centers, Film associations and Film archive institutions from the CB region
Media representatives and general film audience from the CB region