2023 Nov. 15

Project Title: Better Cooperate! Education through and to the values of the social economy as a way to reinforce the society.
Programme: Erasmus+
Total project budget: 400.000,00 EUR
Project implementation period: 01.11.2023.- 31.10.2026.
Lead Beneficiary: Association for Social Cooperatives, Poland
Partner countries: Sweden, Italy, Serbia, Germany and Spain


The project’s general objective is to improve the capacity of the social economy sector to carry out social entrepreneurship education activities and formulate an effective response to the challenges of modern world by developing a new educational strategy and new training tools based on methodological and digital innovations aimed at raising the initiative and entrepreneurship of young people and effectively integrating them into the social and professional life of their societies.


Expected project results:
• Better Cooperate educational programme (including Research Report, Educational Programme, Lesson’s scenarios),
• Educational Kit Pack (including: MOOC courses, Winner or Looser online game, Better Cooperate board game, Knowledge repository),
• Revised model of student’s cooperatives including 1) The model, 2) Recommendations 3) Best practises guide). Additionally at least 6 new student’s cooperatives will be founded.