2021 Oct. 08

From 27 - 30 September 2021, 21 representatives of all partner organisations from Slovakia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Serbia came together for the Partner Meeting in Plauen, Germany.

Apart from an exchange about the dialogue with relevant stakeholders in the partner countries and the further work on ideas for follow-up project, there were three highlights of the Partner Meeting.

1. Visit of the BIZ (Profession Information Centre) as a good practise example for professional orientation

2. Coffee Talk with Burkhard Zenk, retired consultant who worked for an ESF fund administrator and who implemented for example INTERREG projects. He gave us interesting input for sustaining the results of our possible follow-up projects.
3. Visit of the "Productive Learning" addressing pupils of the 8th or 9th class who are not likely to get their school degree. Within two years, the participating pupils are "working" towards that with two days of learning at school and three days of working in practise - in companies or social and cultural institutions. This concept was a good example for professional orientation and job preparation for the project partners.

Everything that was seen and heard will be considered in the further development of the follow-up projects.

The project "pROceed" is funded from the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and aims at the identification of European best practise for professional orientation, career counselling and job preparation and their possible adaptation for Roma. The next Partner Meeting will take place from 18 - 21 November 2021 in Halandri, Greece