“Subotička Agora” as a specific – NGO debate, started January 1993. Year and until 2002 Agora gathered different profiles os people from Subotica. “Corruption and organized crime”, was the last issue 2002nd when Agora stopped working.
In March 2010th, started a new cycle of “Suboticke Agora”, under the name - What is, or, What is not European in Subotica.
The first cycle, which incorporates five themes, hosted eminent experts in the field of business, economy, city government as well as many other people, who, as visitors, participated in discussions.
first cycle themes:
13. March 2010. Development or stagnation of Subotica
20. March 2010. The economic power of Subotica: real and potential
27. March 2010. Public utilities
10. April 2010. (Un) employment
17. April 2010. City management